Thursday, September 2, 2010

Walking Without Music

So, today I went for a walk without an ipod. I know, that's as daring as lighting a candle in a dorm room. But, this is the first time I've ever done that. I know this seems really silly, but that was kind of a big deal for me. I've never walked without music, it's like my little crutch. When I don't think I can get through a walk, and I'm on that last hill, all I have to do is switch to a Kelly Clarkson song and I'm golden. This little episode got me to thinking that I can do much more than I give myself credit for...that I can step outside my box and push myself. So often we use little tools to get us through something- as simple as a hand to hold or a compliment from someone we love to the more complicated stuff like an alcoholic beverage or a cigarette. But the strength to get us through these challenges really comes from within us. We can begin to let go of our material things and use the power in our hearts to push us through! How awesome is that? And imagine this...if I felt this empowered taking a walk without music, imagine the possibilities when I continue to step out of my comfort zone.

I've been coming across so many messages lately about pushing past fear. I'll share them with you, because I think all of us can learn from this.

The first two are from Melinda. It seems she and I are often on the same page. Here are two things she has shared recently:

"Stepping out of my comfort zone! Step 1: Watch myself on AI for the 1st time. It's hard, but I'm learning a lot! What's your comfort zone?"

"As we are liberated
from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
- Marianne Williamson

Another is from one of my inspiring facebook friends, Myshel. She's one of Mandisa's backup singers. I always enjoy her posts.

"I've talked and talked about it long enough....its past time to BE about it!!! So I'm biting the bullet with NO FEAR and just gonna DO IT! I hear you singing to me 2011..."

That one really hit me hard. I've realized that I cannot sit around and wait for things to happen for me. I have to go after them, fearless. Thanks for that, Myshel.

Finally, a quote that I read.

"In the Bible, it says "Do Not Fear" 365 times. There’s 365 days a year. So that means, always wake up in the morning, telling yourself, “Do Not Fear” everyday.Because God is by your side, & He will always protect you."

So, I am going to continue to push myself out of my comfort zone and find peace and strength within myself, rather than using "things". It's time to live freely. Who's with me? Let's walk without music, together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said... Add Reply

Meggie if you walk near a park or where there is a lot of nature, God will furnish His music for you.
The singing of a bird, a babbling brook, the rustle of leaves, etc. Just listen to the music of nature. It's the best sounds in the world.