Monday, November 23, 2009

Susan Boyle, Rihanna, Adam Lambert, and Gaga.

Susan Boyle was a youtube sensation this year after her audition on Britian's Got Talent. She has been in the news for her mental breakdowns and outstanding vocals. Her album was released today, I downloaded it out of curiosity. Holy freaking moly. What a goregous voice! It is jam packed with goosebump ballads. Dang. She is just GOOD. Totally buying this for my mommy for Christmas.

Rihanna...first thing I think of when I hear that name is "Grammy's. Chris Brown and Rihanna will no longer be appearing". What? The new pop princess and prince wouldn't be at music's biggest night? A few hours later we find out it's because Chris beat her up. I lost all respect for him, and I was a big fan before that. Today is a huge day for Rihanna so many people said she would never recover and that was the end of her career. They were wrong. Although I'm not a huge fan of her first single "Russian Roulette", the rest of the album makes up for it. "The Last Song" is goregous. "Wait Your Turn" is my jam. It's definatley darker than her previous albums, but I wasn't really expecting much else. It's terrific. Go Rhi Rhi!

It happened. I fell in love with Adam Lambert's album. After I lost interest in him and became more involved in Allison/Matt, I really wasn't sure I'd like it. It's amazing...and exactly what I imagined would come from his debut album. It's got the typical Adam-screamy-amazingness (Check out "Sure Fire Winners") if this is your thing. It also has the stripped down, "Mad World"-esque kind of Adam, which is my personal perference. I am in love with "Broken Open" and "Soaked". They are stunningly beautiful. I dig the inspirational "Aftermath". I would be fine with never hearing "Strut" again. I don't really know what genre to place this album in. I'd say pop, but it seems almost too much for pop. There are some songs that could be mistaked for 80's rock tunes. It's a wonderful album that Adam should be extremly proud of. I can't say if I'll ever see him in concert, but I know he'd put on quite a show with a set of outstanding tunes.

Last but certainly not least, Miss Lady Gaga. She's caught the attention of the media for her outrageous costumes, videos, and performances. I knew I would love this album because of the amazing single "Bad Romance". The rest of the songs are just as epic and amazing, except "Teeth" which I could do without. My hands down favorite is "Speechless". It's genius. My other favorite is "So Happy I Could Die". I adore this chick. Her music makes me so happy. I am in love with this album as much as I am her first one. Go Gaga.

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