Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lent 2012.

It's Day One of Lent. Not even going to lie, I do miss facebook and twitter already. In fact, as soon as I got home I powered up my computer and typed in twitter...totally forgot. Don't worry, I didn't log in :)

So here is the official list of things I gave up:

Going out to eat during the week (there's an exception to this, ask my mom what it is LOL)

Things I'm doing:
Lent Letters
10-15 minutes before bed to pray/journal
Live a little bit more simply

My very first lent letter today went to my coworker and good friend Tierra. I had someone randomly pick a number between 1-40, there it was, number 16, Tierra. It actually was perfect because Tierra is leaving soon (end of March) and I took the opportunity to let her know how much I appreciate her and how much I am going to miss her. Tierra has been one of the few people there for me since the very beginning of me landing this give me advice, vent, support the volunteer program, and someone who I admire when it comes to faith. She was also one of the first people I saw this morning, bright and early at 7:30. So it was really nice to be able to see her live reaction to the letter. I think that was the first time in the three years I've been doing this project someone has read their letter right in front of me. Tierra, I will miss you but know you're on to do great things. Now let's rock this last month we have!

It's funny how my list of people have evolved over the past few years. I've kept each list. It always changes based on where I'm working. This year I had to make room for about five of my fabulous co workers, plus I put in a few people who I'm not particularly close to, I just want them to know I have been praying for them. Then there's the usual close family members and friends. I never get tired of telling them how much I love, adore, and appreciate them.

Well, I just wanted to check in. I have to leave for volleyball, Lord help me make it through this game. Wednesdays are my most draining day at work, and I have to work late Friday night, work most of Saturday, and work late Monday night. Bring me to April, please.

Hugs. For those also going through Lent, we got this. Let us remember all those suffering much more than us.


Anonymous said... Add Reply

Thanks for posting here Baby Girl.
You know how much I care about you and what you are doing.
Love YOU!

Shari said... Add Reply

Your letter project is so beautiful -- such a lovely way to reach out to people! :)

Elizabeth Rosalyn said... Add Reply

Love the Lent letters project!