Monday, June 27, 2011

lifestyle change

So...I started a new diet. I know, go ahead and roll your eyes. But wait, roll them again because I'm about to say the inevitable- this time I'm for real.

Those of you who have been in my life for a few years or more know what a constant battle my weight has been. I've tried nearly everything, but I never have enough strength or will power to fight through. I get discouraged and give up easily. Basically, I wasn't ready to grow up. And, quite honestly, I don't know that I have ever cared about myself to lose the weight. I've learned, over the past year especially, how to love myself. And part of loving myself is taking care of myself, in all aspects...but especially in my health.

I'll give myself some credit and say over the past two years or so I have been better at making healthy choies- I mean I did do a 1/2 marathon...but I have a long way to go.

So, this diet. One of the reasons I'm so excited about it is because everything is finally in place. I have the full support of my parents, aka my roommates, which is always helpful. I've met with a nutritionist. I'm working out my emotional challenges, and I'm exercising.

Food wise, I've set up a diet perscription with a nutritionist. It's sort of hard to explain, but try to stay with me. I'm allowed 1800 calories a day...but I don't have to count calories. If I follow my meal plan correctly, I will be in that range. Here is what I am allowed:

Breakfast: 4 carbs, 1 fat, 1 meat.
Example: Greek Yogurt (counts as 1 carb, 1 meat), 1/4 cup granola (1 carb), 1 english muffin (1 carb), 1/2 banana (1 carb, 1 tbsp peanut butter (1 fat).

I know that seems like a lot of food, but it's good for me, and it helps me to feel more full during the day. Other foods I'll eat for breakfast include egg whites, wheat toast, thin sliced deli ham, oatmeal and rasins, etc.

Snack 1- 1 carb, 1 meat
Example- 1 peach (carb) 1 piece low fat string cheese (1 meat)

Lunch- 4 carbs, 2 fat, 2 meat
Example- 1/2 cup chicken salad on wheat bread (2 carbs, 1 fat, 2 meat). Veggie Chips (1 carb), chocolate covered almonds (1 meat, 1 fat).

Snack 2- 1 carb, 1 meat
Example- 5 Ritz Crackers, 1/4 cup low fat cottage cheese

Dinner- 4 carbs, 2 fat, 2 meat
1 oz piece white chicken, ANY VEGGIE I WANT, fresh fruit, whole grain rice/noddles or a small baked potato.

Desert- I think it's 1 I'd go for sugar free pudding or 1/2 cup ice cream.

Once you get the hang of it, it's not that tricky. I pack all my snacks and lunch the night before. I have a whole list of things I can eat that count as carbs, fat, meat, etc. When I get some free time I plan on labeling things in my fridge and pantry.

OH, and if I want say a Lean Cuisine meal for lunch, I can totally do that, as long as I figure out how many carbs, fat, protein I'm eating. I can bank up meat/fat, but I have to stick with the carbs.

Is it going to be tough? Hell yes. Am I going to stick exactly to this every day? No. But I'm going to try my hardest, make better choices, and remember portion sizes. The hardest part is finding the time...but I'm going to try and do it right after I eat dinner, just have a list of things I can eat and stick them in my lunch box.

Now, exercise...because no diet is complete without it. My exercise schedule looks a little like this...

Monday's- Walk with my mom. Tonight we did 1.50 miles, hoping to increase that.
Tuesday's- Total Body Workout class at the gym
Wednesday's- Zumba at gym
Thursday's- Walk/Jog
Friday's- Off
Saturday- Zumba and walk at gym
Sunday- Either gym or go on one of my walking trails.

So that's my new lifestyle in a nutshell. I am seriously considering starting a twitter and tweeting what I eat. That's more fun than writing it down. I'll test it and see if anyone follows me :)

I really, really need support in this. Help me make goood choices, but also let me figure things out on my own.

Have an excellent week my friends <3


LeeBird3 said... Add Reply

Sounds very lifestylish rather than dietish! Good for you friend. I'll be your cheerleader.

Sara C. said... Add Reply

Excellent Megs! You know you can call or text anytime you need support! We're always here for you! You are so strong! I know you can do it!!