Wednesday, December 28, 2016

2016 Tweets

Back my popular demand (and by popular, I mean I asked on Twitter if I should post this and my friend Julie responded with a YES!), here are my favorite Tweets this year.

This was a big year on Twitter and it is a big source of news and political chit chat. But I'm just going to post things that made me laugh. I hope they make you laugh, too.

When Nicki Minaj called one of the Teen Mom girls a Ding Bat:

When my friend Lizz made this awesome pun:

This relatable Tweet:

This beautiful moment from the Superbowl:

When Taylor Swift expressed what we were all feeling during the Superbowl halftime show:

My girl Melinda perfectly describing her love for coffee:

My thoughts exactly:

My friend Kristen being an adorable flower protector:

My friend Dean who became a new parent this year:

Kristen being the Kristen we all love:

Leslie Jones being...Leslie Jones:

Meghan Tonjes and her sass:

One of the many Olympics tweets that brought me joy:

The adorable lovefest between Laurie and Beyonce:

Whole Foods People Watching:

Mamrie Hart and I share a love for Trader Joe's:

Once again, Leslie Jones being Leslie Jones:

I actually almost choked laughing at this one:

Christmas carol truth bomb:

And that's a wrap, folks!

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